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What's your favorite song?

Most of us will say music is healing; it will help change our mood, alleviate pain, and bring comfort. It is a powerful way to connect with others as well.

Spoiler alert: The devil was a musician when he was an angel, and that's why he uses music as a device to control the masses.

Heavy influence on the masses through music. It can be full of deceit and is a weapon used to control the masses. I'm certainly not saying all music is not healthy for you. That’s not true. Plenty of music is being made that aligns with Yah and is healthy for you mentally, emotionally, and of course, Spiritually.

I was watching pt. Nine of the History of Religion series by truthunedited, and there’s a part that shows when King Nebuchadnezzar created a statue that he wanted everyone to worship while he played music to serenade them.

Well, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego did not bow down and worship him, and this is why they were thrown into the furnace but came out unscathed because of their Faith and obedience to Yah [Daniel 3].

It made me think of how the influence of music was being passed down through generations by the devil. The statue Ron Charles [TruthUnedited] created looked precisely like the one given at the Grammys, or is it the Oscars? I’m not sure; it doesn’t matter because it’s still a bronzed statue that is being given to worship.

We must be careful of the music we put into our system constantly, especially when not in a sound mindset and connected to Holy Spirit. This music can have a heavy influence even at the subconscious level. This is a big reason why I’m cautious when listening to music at this point in my life. Yes, I still listen to secular music but pay attention to the lyrics. I use my discernment, and I heavily monitor my daughter's device and make sure what I’m listening to around her I would be ok with her repeating.

After I found Eshon Burgundy’s album, I had it on repeat for weeks and found out she caught on to one particular song. As I was cleaning up, she just started singing the lyrics, which starts off by saying “Glory to the King” in her tender-hearted toddler voice. This is the chorus melody from the song “Gloriyah” from his album Lost Sheep. I almost cried, but I felt so strong, grateful, and praised Yah that her heart was connected to Our Most High King.

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