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The Journey to a Relationship with Yah

Updated: Jun 21, 2023

My mom told me the Truth...

Then I started to do my research.

I started with researching paganism because I was initially really told about the Holidays being pagan, which goes against God, and that is a commandment.

I learned so much, and it was easier to fully make that commitment once I was out of the relationship that I was in. Being in that relationship held me back from growing with Yah tremendously.

Around 2016, Kendrick Lamar came out with his album, Damn, and I thought, wow, now if he knows the Truth of the Bible, I should start to learn more.

My curiosity was in infancy.

I recognize now that not all of what Kendrick Lamar was rapping about aligns with my beliefs. I respect the album because that was a gift from YAH that he pursued to get the message out even in the corrupted music industry. That album was a creation intended to spread a glimpse into the light of waking Jacob up. Jacob is the 12 tribes of Israel, who are the lost sheep and the light of this world [Acts 13:47]. We are to be the ones to spread the Gospel to everyone and teach the ways of YAH.

Acts 13:47

[Sidenote 1: this is why it is important to go back to more dated versions of the Bible so you can read in more similar and accurate wording to what was originally said in Hebrew: NLT is good for your first time reading, but I do recommend eventually doing a side by side of versions. Im using the electronic version of the Bible on the internet.]

[Sidenote 2: because I thought this was interesting, but we (most “Black” people) are the first ones to get Bible verses tattooed on us (I know a lot of people tend to get the same ones) but yet likely do not know the full context of that scripture or who wrote it.]

I digress.

So, I researched more, along with attempting to read the bible. More so hopping all over the place, reading certain books and not others. Also, I needed a solid background on which to base the readings. Doing research helps because it allows my curiosity to continue to mature. I learn to research better. I understand more about the Bible and the teachings of the Word.

After going through everything I went through in my relationship in 2019 into 2020, (read more about my testimony here), I knew I needed to lean on YAH and get to know HIM.

I started reading the Bible from the beginning in 2020, and from there, my love and faith began to grow, AND I was able to lead with discernment, AND I was able to give YAH the glory that He deserves and requires.

You will always hear me say to read the Bible from the beginning if you want to know YAH fully/truly. I know that everyone has a different path to get to this point. But I am here to offer a cut in the line, meaning you do not have to go through so much (more). If you are interested even just a little bit in leaning on YAH and maturing your Faith and knowledge of the Word, then you can and should start reading the Bible. If you have felt pressure growing up to read the Bible or felt like religion was forced upon you, I do not recommend following a Bible plan, even if it's one you choose.

Consciously, you may be excited to start and feel accomplished if you stick to it.

But maybe a week later, you forget, get distracted, or don't want to read. First of all, Satan wants to hold you back with him, but it's also likely that subconsciously you feel a trauma trigger from past experiences of pressure or harm.

I pray that as many people as possible can grow their relationship with Yah and use their gifts to teach and be the messenger, but I firmly believe you have to want to start to heal and humble yourself to begin the journey.


I would go to Google and type in Paganism, for example. Then I would look at those results and maybe click on some pages on the site, and depending on if that site had any links, I would click on the next site. Or I would also type “What is…?” or “Who is…?”

Nowadays, along with reading my Bible, I watch a lot of videos on Youtube. Mostly between Truthunedited and the Awakening Remnant Koalition.

Truthunedited has amazing illustrations with his videos and speaks with such intelligence and understanding of the Bible. It is really incredible. I am thankful that he answered his purpose and is showing us his gift from YAH.

The Ark does come from more of a “traditional” teaching style. If you like the feeling of the Pastor who is giving a blessed sermon, then listen to Moreh of the ARK. There are other members of the ARK, but I am less aware of their teachings.

I know there are many other options as well, but those are some I watch to learn more about the Word. I love music as well. The progress of listening to less secular music can be a challenge, but again if you move with intention, your path will be easier to navigate. That being said, I am fond of Rap, and I found out about Eshon Burgundy through the Truthunedited’s channel, and I appreciate how he is able to melodically intertwine scripture and reality so well.

If you have musicians that you would like to suggest, please leave them in the comments!

You can get there, and you will. Stay steadfast in your search to learn and grow with YAH.

In wellness,


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