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Plant Mirror Reflection
Ashlee Martinez Deleon smiling in green shirt

Who I am.

Heal with your everyday moments


Impactful awareness moments is a 360-Wellness blog that intends to help others cultivate higher self-awareness by identifying healing moments to grow and live a grounded life that Yah leads. 

Life is made of moments. Some of which hold more immediate significance over others. But they are all treasures (Matthew 6:21; Luke 12:34).


The ones that take longer to reveal their reasoning are the hidden treasures. Perhaps, life is the map itself - the map that makes up how we show up at each point along the way.


In the smallest ways, it all comes full circle. 

The moments of


I am a lifelong learner and follower of the Bible. I know that who I am is continuously seeking repentance for actions, thoughts, & beliefs that I was unaware were going against what is The Most High’s word. I offer you my stories of mental clarity, healing, and guidance as the Holy Spirit has led me to do. I share with you these moments in the rawest form and hope you understand that it is up to you to do your own research to have your own relationship with Yah, which starts by reading the Holy Bible.


There are many educational platforms readily available to us all, and we have to use caution and discernment on what is true and what is false. It is my hope that anyone this touches will become aware of who you are, so you can stand tall and grounded when you state, “I am.” 

There’s a part of a song from Eshon Burgundy that sums up my purpose for this life, and unfortunately, I do not know who speaks on this part, but this is what is said, “… my job is to somehow make them curious enough to get more aware of themselves and where they came from. This is what compels me to compel them.” 

Yah placed it on my heart to deliver the truth to you as best as I can as I continue to learn and grow; I can extend my reach by spreading the true gospel as it is written and as I know it. I am a child of The Most High living in this world led by wicked behavior. So of course there is constant room for self-awareness, but it is my foundation that leads me on the path of righteousness. 

Lastly, if you are looking for "New Age doctrines," please know this is not a blog following that. I believe, am rooted in, and follow the Laws, Statutes, and Commandments of the Holy Bible. 

“The primary difference between health and wellness is that health is the goal, and wellness is the active process of achieving it.

Health refers to a state where the physical body is free from disease, while wellness refers to an overall balance of a person’s physical, social, spiritual, emotional, intellectual, environmental, and occupational well-being.

Wellness is achieved when someone strives for balance in their life by constantly making choices to further their health and fulfillment. Wellness has a direct influence on overall health.”

- Stephanie Murdock, Executive Director of Occupational Medicine and Employee Health, Sanford Health

A bit of Etymology...

Dis-1) a Latin prefix meaning “apart,” “asunder,” “away,” “utterly,” or having a privative, negative, or reversing force

Ease - a noun or verb, the suffix:

1) noun, "physical comfort, undisturbed state of the body; tranquility, peace of mind," from Old French aise "comfort, pleasure, well-being; opportunity," 

2) verb, "to help, assist," from Old French aiser, from aise (see ease (n.)). Meaning "to give ease, mitigate, alleviate, relieve from pain or care" is from mid-14c. Meaning "render less difficult" is from 1630s; the sense of "to relax one's efforts" is from 1863.

The one true way to remove the dis-ease from your life and maintain the balance of your health is through relation with Yah. Trusting in the Holy Spirit to guide you to make those choices that further your health and fulfillment and need, I add your healing. 


[Proverbs 4:20-23] My child, pay attention to what I say. Listen carefully to my words. Don't lose sight of them. Let them penetrate deep into your heart, for they bring life to those who find them, and healing to their whole body. Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life (NLT).

"meditation practice heightens mental clarity and self-awareness"

Meditation is not just sitting down, criss-cross style, and humming. That has long been the stereotype of meditation due to the ultimate deception of this world, and I'm here to break that stereotype if you believe that and share with you what it really is.


Meditation is rooted in the Bible and is a practice of studying His word. Yah told His people to meditate on Scripture, and they will be fruitful. Fruitful in a way that is well beyond tangible items (Psalm 1:2). Regular meditation in Scripture brings nourishment that is like no other. Reading His Word will - help guide you, show you who you are/can be, grow in relation with Our Father [Abba Yah], bring clarity, and build up your spiritual armor.


No matter what I speak on in any blog, I remind you that meditating on the Word is more crucial than anything if you desire to grow in your Faith and relationship with Yah/God. 

Guided Meditation

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